There's a major bug in the current release of Windows 10 (1903). The latest iteration of Windows 10, which technically came out 5 months ago, recently became available to me as a Windows update. Since then I noticed I wasn't able to remote to my Windows 10 VM's until they were rebooted. It wasn't until I started digging that I realized it was happening after I disconnected from a previous RDP ...
- Topic Archives SrcBits
Microsoft Edge Hates My Intranet Sites
Recently, I noticed that this very site,, wouldn't load in Microsoft Edge. On my Windows 10 PC, I was able to open the site in every other browser, Firefox, Chrome, IE, etc., except Microsoft's successor to Internet Explorer. I initially started worrying that there was some change I made that was causing Edge to hang and that all my Microsoft readers were crashing their browsers bec ...
Windows 10 1709 & Public Samba Shares
Most users have already upgraded their Windows 10 PCs to Windows 10 1709 a.k.a. Fall Creators Update...who names these things?Hopefully everyone came out of the update unscathed and still have a working PC. Now that you've got the minor issue of booting out of the way, some of you may have noticed that you are having problems connecting to Windows File Shares or as us Linux guys call it, Samb ...
Safari & Full Height Flexbox Children
"One day CSS will make you as tall as me." The Problem
As some of you may have noticed, I recently did a slight redesign of this site. I picked up some new CSS tricks and definitely upped my JQuery game in the past year and after taking a long hiatus from posting to this site, I noticed how unhappy I was with its look. ...
unRAID NVIDIA GPU Passthrough Fix (QEMU)
I tried out unRAID last year as an alternative to VMWare vSphere because getting non-server hardware to work with vSphere is getting more difficult with each release. Now I know that unRAID's bread and butter is functioning as a NAS, but in recent releases they've added a ton of features, one of them being VM hosting support via QEMU. One of the surprising features that led me to eventually pu ...