If you've connected a computer to the Internet, you've probably heard of an IP address. Most people, however, quickly gloss over IP's little brother, the often forgotten and sorely misunderstood, Subnet Mask. You've seen him, but probably never knew his name. He usually looks like this. While this is the Subnet Mask you'll most often see, you may run into others that look very different.,, &, while...
- Tag Archives Bits
What’s a Bit?
Welcome to the first ever installment of SrcBits, an ongoing series comprised of tips, notes, commentary & whatever else pops into my head about various tech topics. I'll try to make this a regular thing to fill the gap between some of my more in-depth guides. While thinking of different things I could write about for this epic moment in history...my history at least...I thought, "Hey, why don't I talk...