If you're the average user who's happy with your basic wireless router or is possibly looking to upgrade your aging N-router or...*gasp*...G-router with a shiny new AC-router, building your own router is probably not the road you want to venture down. If, however, you have the need for multiple network segments, want the added functionality of enterprise-class routers without the high cost of commercial offerings, or just have the hankering...
- Tag Archives Broadband
Faster Internet? Yes, Please
"Another victim of budget cuts" Backstory A few weeks ago, I had a customer who was having some issues with their Time Warner phone service and their fax machine. Yes folks, fax machines are still alive and well and have outlasted the likes of the Beeper and Floppy Disk. Anyway, while on the phone with one of their customer support reps, I was told about new Internet packages they were offering...